Children and Youth
The American Legion Americanism Commission Committee established a program in 1925 on Children and Youth. The Auxiliary, Sons, and Riders are included.
The Children and Youth program is administered by the American Legion Americanism Commission. They have established a coordinated committee to include the entier Legion Family, to ensure the program reaches the member level. A guide from the Legion website explaining the program may be found at:
A Legion brochure, "Children and Youth Programs", may be downloaded at:
"Veterans and Childrens Foundation" Brochure on the national website may be accessed at:
Seattle Post 1 is a proud sponsor of the "Steel Lake" Little League (Tee-Ball) team ( ). In April 2021, by membership vote, we allied with the Disabled American Veterans (DAV) Shoreline Chapter 2, and the Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA) Jim Hinde Memorial Chapter 102 in Seattle to become one of the sponsors of the team.
Seattle Post 1 also is an annual contributor to "Santa's Castle", at JBLM. They collect NEW toys for active duty military members E-4 and below for distribution at Christmas. When they are suffering family financial difficulties, they may be nominated for the program by their command. It's for all the services in the Puget Sound area.