
The American Legion (TAL), Seattle Post 1


Blue Star Service Banner

     from the American Legion "Blue Star Event and Planning Guide" webpage: “About the Blue Star Banner"

"A Blue Star Service Banner displayed in the window of a home is an American tradition. The banner lets others know that someone in the home is serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. The Blue Star Service Banner was designed and patented by a World War I Army officer in 1917. It quickly became the unofficial symbol of a child in the service. Blue Star Service Banners, while widely used across America during the first and second world wars, were not embraced during the Korean or Vietnam wars with nearly the same enthusiasm. The American Legion has rekindled the program. Now, as the long and difficult “war on terrorism” continues, the Blue Star Service Banner tradition reminds us all that this new war touches every neighborhood in our land."



           To download The American Legion Blue Star Salute PDF, click



          To download The American Legion Blue Star Fact Sheet webpage,

          click www.legion.org/troops/bluestar