Kitsap Area Veterans Alliance (KAVA) - page 2
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Some resources to consider are:
The VA has massive websites to research, some links are:
VA: Federal Benefits for Veterans, Dependents and Survivors (2019 Edition)
VA: VA benefits for spouses, dependents, survivors, and family caregivers
VA: As eviction moratorium ends, VA offers vital resources for Veterans
Kitsap Veterans Advisory Board Links
Kitsap County Veteran Community Resources Brochure (ver 2021-09-08)
FREE MEALS in Kitsap County (ver 2021-09-08)
Kitsap County Veterans Assistance webpage
Kitsap County - Policies and Procedures Manual for Assisting Veterans in Need
Kitsap Legal Services
Brochure provided in the 30 April 2022 "Grab and Go" Bag:
Veteran Community Services Brochure - Feb 2022
Veteran Housing Optios Brochure
Kitsap Veteran Legal Services Flyer (NW Justice Project)
Click on the image to view the website.